PHONE: (626) 410-5862

For available works, contact BENTLEY GALLERY



BIO: Ziyun Xun, is a visual artist based in Phoenix, Arizona. Xun grew up in Yantai, Shandong and lived in Beijing, China. She moved to Arizona in  2015. Xun earned a Bachelor of Fine Art’s degree at Herberger Institute School of Art at Arizona State University. And she continues to  pursue a MFA degree in Painting and Drawing  program at ASU. Xun applies acrylic pigment lines to explore existence and emptiness phenomena. Her artworks focus on the concept of the "illusory visual" to make the reviewer rethink the images. She uses subjective thinking and abstract images to make the viewer directly experience  the work in the way of their own behavior.

STATEMENT: In the Diamond Sūtra, existence and emptiness are fundamental Buddhist notions. Buddha states that, “All conditioned phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow, Like dew or a flash of lightning. thus, we shall perceive them.” By looking towards these Buddhist notions, I apply the concept of "illusory visual" to investigate both existence and emptiness in my artwork.

Our vision only allows them to see only glimpses of movement, which our mind has to put together as one continuous image. The repetitive lines in my paintings emphasize the existence of movement. Emptiness is the process of images gradually changing in the viewer's mind. Perception is altered as colors begin to shift and mixes as the viewer moves slowly and experiences the paintings from side to side; resulting in a transformation, from one existence or perception to another, altered reality. A dialogue develops between the artwork and the viewer through movement and optics, resulting in a unique experience for each person and exemplifying the duality, complexity, and contradiction of our perceived existence.